Monday, March 15, 2010

Visions of Sugar Plums

I have finally made it through three entire weeks of eating the "paleo" way, as well as sticking to my Crossfit workouts. YAY!! I have dropped 7 pounds and lost 2 inches in my waist and 2 inches in my hips...IN THREE WEEKS! I would love to pat myself on the back, but I am quickly realizing that this is a marathon and not a sprint. I have discovered that this is a way of life for me and not just a six week program.

Since I have given up bread, sugar, grains and dairy I have seen significant changes in my body. I have seen significant changes in my work capacity. And, most importantly, I have become more energized and I am sleeping better. Being a stay home mom does not lend itself well to sleep depravation. :) Instead of choosing a cupcake, I choose an apple. Instead of having pasta with my spaghetti sauce, I use spaghetti squash. Instead of cooking potatoes or rice, I cook delicious vegetables.

Also, since I have given up all the comfort foods that were making me feel bad, something strange has happened. Wait for it...wait for it....wait for it. I am DREAMING of eating sugary foods and bread. HAHA!! I wish I could say that this was not the case, but I dream, specifically, of sugar and bread. I am actually eating and enjoying these foods in my sleep. I don't really know what that means. I'm sure any of you psychologists can diagnose me. :) I have bragged to all my friends that I have lost my cravings for sweets since I began eating this way. I guess if I get to dream of eating them, it's just like I have eaten it, right? haha!

So, here's to all of you out there that have "visions of sugar plums" dancing through your dreams at night. OR, maybe it's just me. But in any case, here's to you as you get crazy strong!

I am going to be posting some recipes as several of you have requested. So, here goes the first's YUMILICIOUS!

Roast Chicken and Veggies
1 whole chicken
1 lemon, quartered
1 head of garlic, just cut the top off with a sharp knife...careful!
1 onion
a few squash
a few zuchinni
1 parsnip (you can sub carrots if you want)
fennel (optional) I just love it :)
salt and pepper to taste

Chop your veggies in nice size pieces...not too small. They are going to roast for about an hour or so.
Layer the bottom of a roasting pan with you veggies and season with salt and pepper.
Stuff your chicken with the lemon and the head of garlic (if you don't like garlic, just omit)
Place the chicken on top of the veggies, baste with a little olive oil for beautiful browning.
Cook in the oven on 425 for about an hour and a half, depending on the size of your chicken.

This is so yummy! My kids love it and I have also made it when we had friends for dinner because it is also a beautiful dish!

Here's to our health!!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Max Effort = Max Day

What a great day to be me! I went into The Box today, enjoying the sunshine, and trainer says, "We're gonna start finding your max efforts today." What that means is, we are going to find out just how heavy you can lift on certain types of weight lifting techniques. I had not geared myself up for that, but I'm always willing to do whatever - try whatever. I guess that is what makes me a good student. I just say, "OKAY," no matter how ridiculous or unattainable the task.

So, today...was back squats, push press, and dead lifts. Well, I am very proud to say that my max back squat is 185 pounds. I really wanted 200, but I guess that will be for another day when I am stronger/leaner...but I will get there. A push press is simply lifting weight above your head. Haha...SIMPLY. Boy, that is an understatement. My max push press is 90 pounds. And finally...drumroll max dead lift was 240 pounds!!! That's right ladies and gentlemen, 240 pounds. Just one month ago, it was 220 pounds and a couple months before that, 185 pounds. So, I am improving and I am improving fast.

Now, don't get me wrong. I am not tooting my own horn so loud that I am blind to all the things I have ahead of me that still aren't quite there. I look forward to the day when I can one unmodified pull up, or do a full muscle up that is all me, no modifications necessary. But, today was a big day for me and I am going to enjoy! That is, enjoy it, until I am back in the Box on Monday getting a wakeup call that makes this day just what it will be...yesterday.

So, I say all this to say that it doesn't matter where you are or where you THINK you are in the quest for health and strength. If you make the time, results will follow and before long you will be looking at yourself differently. That person you look at in the mirror is becoming, more and more, the person you knew was in there all along. And he/she is pretty fabulous and, oh yes, crazy strong!!

Monday, March 1, 2010

Who Would Have Thunk It?

"Nobody Trains to be Runner Up" is my way of motivating myself these days.

It has been a long time since this "hot
mess" has updated the blog. I've been lazy, busy, etc., etc.! Lazy and busy sounds like an oxymoron, I know. When you have a man that travels, any given day comes with it's own set of challenges. But, I am getting back on track with the posts. It keeps me accountable to know that all 2 of you that are reading :) at least can hold me to my word.

I have been at this crossfit thing for a little over 6 months. When I began, there was so much I couldn't do. I felt weak and "less than" in comparison to my crossfit buddies. But, soon my weak and "less than" feeling turned into, "look what I did today?" Who would have thought that just last week I could be doing "this" in a weeks time. In my first month I did "Cindy." That is as many rounds as possible in
20 minutes of 5 pull-ups, 10 push-ups, and 15 squats. I can't remember how many rounds I managed to squeak out. But today, 5 months later, I squeak out 12 rounds and I know that I can dead lift 165lbs for 3 rounds (21-15-9), adding in handstands. Now, I would say, that is improvement. I'm still no where near some of my crossfit buddies, but I am way ahead of where I began. That's what counts to me, now.

Last week I embarked on a new challenge. I am striving to eat "paleo" and get 27 WODS (workout of the day) done in 6 weeks. I have gotten off to a good start. I am almost "afraid" to stop, haha. I am the queen of taking a mile when given only an inch, so I have to be particularly hard on myself.

But, I am working on more than just my physical health and physical strength. I am also taking this 6 weeks to ask God to, "search me and know my ways..." to help me to get rid of those things in my life that don't bring honor to Him. I want to love God and love others extravagantly. I want to be a good steward and give honor through this life that is passing too quickly.

If you want to join me for 6 weeks, let's do this. Anything is possible! I love the words of the Crossfit gym in Del Ray, Florida, "If it ain't broke, break it!" I want to break down the old building and build a new one that is stronger in body, mind and spirit than the one in which I am beginning.

So, here's what I have done so far. I am going to post my workouts to this blog in order to stay accountable to myself. Enjoy or doesn't matter to me. JUST DO SOMETHING! "If it ain't broke, break it."

Monday, February 22, I did Murph. Run 1 mile, 100 pullups, 200 pushups, 300 squats, run 1 mile. It took me 77 minutes and 31 seconds. Not an impressive time, but I finished. :)

Tuesday, February 23, I did J.T. 21-15-9, handstand pushups, ring dips, and regular pushups. This took me 17 minutes and 10 seconds.

Wednesday, February 24, I did Annie. 50-40-30-20-10 abmat situps and double unders. It took me 46 minutes and 13
seconds. Haha!! That is an awful time, :) but it took me that long to learn how to do a freakin double under. A double under is when the rope goes under your feet twice while jumping rope. Two times under one jump is a double under. I tore my arms up on this one too. When I would miss, the rope got my arm. It looked awful but did not hurt. I am not that much of a glutten for punishment. ha!

Thursday, February 25, was a rest day....AHHHHH. All I did was 40 hollow rocks and supermans extensions.

Friday, February 26, I did 2 WODS. I started with Diane, which is 21-15-9 165lb dead lift / handstand pushup. Diane took me 15 minutes and 42 seconds. But, I felt like I had more in the tank, so I did 12 rounds of Cindy in 20 minutes. It was a modified ring Cindy, but Cindy none the less.

Saturday, February 27, I did Helen!! Helen was a doozy. It is 3 rounds of a 400 meter run, 21 kettlebell swings, and 12 pullups. I used Rx wieght for my kettlebell swings which is 55lbs. It like to killed me. I finished in 25 minutes and 29 seconds.

I rested on Sunday...a real rest...NOTHING!! haha!

Today, March 1, I did Angie...100 pull ups, 100 pushups, 100 abmat situps, and 100 squats. It took me 25 minutes and 35 seconds.

WOW that is a lot. All my posts won't be crazy long, haha!!!

I'm not training to be a runner up!! This Hot Mess will just be Hot before and crazy strong!!!