Thursday, July 25, 2013

When my Heart is Overwhelmed

My 10,000 Reasons…July 25, 2013 (Day 3)

Today was the day my family has been waiting for, praying for, and concerned about for several years now. My dad was diagnosed with an aortic abdominal aneurism 2- 3 years ago. Doctors told us there was nothing they could do because it was so small at the time. But, every few months they looked at it, checked it, watched it, waiting for it to rear it’s ugly head. Well, a few months ago, doctors decided that the aneurism was at a size that my dad had the “perfect window” of opportunity. This thorn in his side (or abdomen), so to speak, had given him a chance to remove it without harm. Now, those of us who are familiar with this sort of condition realize that very few people get to catch one of those before it is fatal. Well, today was the day I got to celebrate the removal of that “thorn” that I thought of everyday…my prayers were weird. Do you pray for healing or for it to grow so doctors can take it out? Well, both happened today. The aneurism is gone and my dad is healed at the hand of God, wonderful physicians, and a nursing staff that save lives everyday. I now, get to celebrate years with my dad…laughing and celebrating.

I’m challenged! Isn’t that what we are called to do…chosen to do? Give encouragement to those who have thorns in the mind, the heart, the soul? How many times do we run into people that need a “removal of the thorn” that comes in a word of encouragement, a warm smile, a kind word. I am grateful that my dad will be around for years to come. And, I also want to be the avenue for people to be around and live in joy for years to come. God, use me to bring a smile or encouragement to someone in need. I want to be an extension of God’s love and grace to others. God help me not to be so consumed with my own thorns that I neglect to be a light in the darkness of some people’s lives. It could be a co-worker, a friend, a stranger, a waitress, a student, a passerby. What I am realizing is…it’s worth it to look for ways to be joy in someone’s day! I am certainly thankful when I experience joy from someone who doesn’t even know that their words or actions are perfectly seasoned with God’s grace for me in the moment. God, help me be more! More love and more kindness. It’s His kindness that draws us near. His character is kindness, joy, peace, love, compassion, self-control, faithfulness, gentleness, patience. Thank you Lord for dealing with me from Your character and not my short-comings and please help me be that for others.

“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8

My 27 reasons today…
1.     A safe travel to Mississippi to be with my mom and dad today, after his surgery.
2.     For tomorrow, when he will come home and I can serve him.
3.     For children that will be joyful in a hospital room celebrating their Dawbi!
4.     For a successful surgery that will add years to my dad’s life.
5.     For a mom, that is gracious and kind, even when frightened.
6.     For God’s voice in my heart when I feel hopeless.
7.     For God’s word, that is a light to my path and lamp to my feet.
8.     For my subway sandwich….when I was starving.
9.     For my Darla, Tosha, Christina, Mishelle, and Lori, who texted me all day and brought encouragement.
10. For my Spark, that kept me alert when I was tired.
11. For my children’s laughter!
12. For the phone call from The Mister, that brought a smile to my face.
13. For Christina, she shows me perseverance everyday.
14. For the joy of the Lord that is my strength.
15. For challenges in life that make us stronger at the end of the day.
16. For rest stops along the way to Mississippi to stretch my legs and enjoy the beautiful sun.
17. For worship, that keeps my heart joyful.
18. For 2 scoops of ice cream that my daughter enjoyed today.
19. For nurses, that made my dad comfortable.
20. For a restful night’s sleep for my mom and dad.
21. For my sweet Belle, my tiny dog that barks like a Doberman to show her love for us.
22. For my mom’s vegetable soup…it smells amazing.
23. For my husband’s job that allows me to be home with my kiddos.
24. For my son’s non-stop talking.
25. For comfy clothes.
26. That God is faithful even when I am not!
27. For my Dad! He will be around, making us laugh, beating us in poker, and being a light to me and my family for years to come! Thanks be to God!

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