Wow! It's
been a rough few days! I ended last week traveling to Mississippi to be with my
mom and dad for a surgery that would add
years to my dad's life. I am amazed by modern medicine. After walking with my
mom through two hip replacements, and my dad's aortic stint, I stand in awe of
what God has provided to us through the wisdom of doctors and surgeons. Yet,
with all of the miracles, I have had a rough couple of days...nothing
major...just "bleh." I have had a nasty head cold and been tired and
ready to recovery fully.
Tonight, as
I showed up at church to lead a small group of 7th grade girls, the topic of
conversation was joy. There is a vast difference between happiness and true,
genuine joy. I was so honored and happy to spend time with these girls
discussing where we find our true joy. Also, the verse of the day, today, on my
cell phone was..."And now, O Lord God, you are God, and your words are
true, and you have promised this good thing to your servant." 2 Samuel
When I read
the full chapter, this verse comes from a prayer of gratitude to God, from
David, after God establishes His promise to him. David, after God revealed
Himself and His promise of faithfulness, was thankful. I needed a healthy
reminder. After knowing and studying David, I am comforted by His willingness
to always praise, always thank, always seek His presence; even though he was a
hot mess most of the time. I can identify to the hot mess portion of life,
daily! :) I knew going into taking time each day to be thankful for 27 things
and publishing it, that I would run into road blocks and challenges. Thanks be
to God that my road blocks, my challenges, my head colds, and my stresses
don't define the condition of my heart. My God supplies all my need and He is a
friend that sticks closer than a brother. So, I end today, energized to
continue to be thankful!
Reasons...July 31, 2013 (Day 4) I am thankful for…
1. The rain, my
garden is loving it, and my tomatoes are going to be so good.
2. The
Vegetable CSA I am a part of for my delicious veggies, farm to table, each
3. My gym
family, where I am challenged everyday to be better.
4. My 135 pound
clean and jerk, a new personal record! Woot!
5. My peaceful
and cozy home.
6. Reminders
all around that God is good and always with me.
7. The laughter
of my children.
8. Singing in
the car with Ana to the top of my lungs and laughing the entire time.
9. The smell of
rain, followed by the beautiful sun…God’s splendor.
10. Music…it
feeds my heart.
11. A healthier
mom and dad.
12. Friends, who
make me smile and give me strength everyday.
13. My friend
running out of gas today. We had to go and fetch gas and laughed the entire
time. I needed that and didn’t even realize how much.
14. Dreams and
wishes….you are never too old to establish a course.
15. My Mister! I
love his calls each day!
16. Getting
ready for school to start. I am excited to meet my new students and seeing my old
17. My church
18. My bible, it
reminds me of God’s love for me and His promises to me.
19. My
brother…his instagram photo’s make me chuckle!
20. Hitting golf
balls with my kiddos at the driving range.
21. Learning a
new skill…I hope to whip my husband in golf when he gets home.
22. Butter!! I
love butter, oh…and bacon.
23. Fabric
softener…it’s the little things.
24. My gym
bag…it is always stocked with Spark and my knee wraps.
25. Never being
satisfied with my current status. I always want to be a better wife, mom,
athlete, musician, leader, etc.
26. The memories
of my grandparents…they bring a smile and a tear every time.
27. The upcoming birth of
Cassie and Charlie’s baby. Come quickly, baby Mac!