Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Days 3 & 4...Busy DOESN'T mean quit, EVER!!

Days 3 + 4 = Keep Going!
WOW!! The business of life has taken it's toll these past 2 days! But, whose life isn't busy...right? Today is a new day and a GOOD day!! Yesterday was extremely productive on may fronts, BUT I didn't get my workout in. My diet was spot on, but between helping my son with a project, assisting my daughter with math, doing lesson plans, sending emails, cleaning and doing laundry....my day simply got away.

The old Dixi would have thrown in the towel, gone to pick up a hot and ready pizza from Little Caesars, and called it a day! BUT....NOT THE NEW 100 DAY DIXI!! I stuck to my spot on diet and gave myself a break with the moving.

Today, on the other hand, my CrossFit Coach got me right back in the swing of moving and feeling the adrenaline of a good workout! Between gymnastic practice, 5x3 back squats at 160#, and intensive spurts of 185# deadlifts, jumping rope, pullups and push ups...I was right back where I needed to be. And, I more than made up for my busy responsibilities yesterday. I am just thankful I didn't have that pizza, because today wouldn't have meant near as much!

So, I learned...set backs happen. We are human and some days we have to put out those little fires that rear their little heads. But, it doesn't mean failure. You can stay the course and be victorious and live to move another day!!

From wontoughmother to another!! Rock on!!!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Day 2 is Done

photo ideas came from my creative friend Donna Sumrall :)

 What a beautiful and sunny day, here in Nashville, we were able to enjoy today. Sundays are always full for us and always feel a bit crazy! Don't get me wrong...it's a wonderful crazy that I wouldn't trade for anything! However, it makes it more challenging to eat healthy and clean and especially get moving.  There are two guys that play on our worship team at church. They are always bringing in their healthy foods (we play four services in a day) and most always get their workouts in on Sundays! It's been a good example for me of what I absolutely can do when I decide to do it! Proverbs 27:17 says, "People learn from one another, just like iron sharpens iron." I am thankful for people in my life being consistent. I am learning from them!

I have read that "trying" is simply deciding whether or not you are going to do something. So for these 100 days (98 left now), I don't want to TRY...I want to DO! So, here comes day 2...a Sunday...busy times 10! We did it folks!! I maintained my healthy eating with a delicious and nutritious oatmeal breakfast. I found this great recipe for making oatmeal in the refrigerator, overnight. I tried it last night and my breakfast was so yummy! I know I am usually "against all grains," but oatmeal doesn't have the same effect on me as the others that contain wheat and gluten, so YAY! A quick and healthy breakfast!  You can get this YUMMO recipe at the link below: 


Concept2 Rower in my Dining Room :)
 Although I didn't get in as much time today as I would have wanted, I did take time to row on our Concept2 rower. And, yes...we keep it in the dining room. It was great for working out the kinks from my run/walk yesterday. Today my legs didn't care for me very much, so rowing was just the ticket! I am a weight lifter at heart and not a runner...but I am going to stretch myself these 100 days and try to become more than just a "complaining runner." (look a there...I said "try." oops!) Bring on day 3! :)

From wontoughmother to another! 

Saturday, January 11, 2014

100 Days of Discovering- Day 1

Discover...starts now! DAY 1

I am certain it is important to have goals and challenges in life. I work better when I have a target out in front of me. A friend of mine always says, "If you aim at nothing, you'll hit it every time." For 2014, I am choosing to DISCOVER! I am aiming at discovery...Discover who I am, who I am meant to be, and who God has created me to be. I think it's healthy and necessary to take a step back and re-evaluate where we are and where we are going.

So, for the first part of my discovery process, I will start a 100 days of moving and paleo/clean eating. We are crossfitters, my daughter does Kung Fu, we love to be outside, and we love to be active. So, that is what we will commit to do! My life is busy and crazy. My kids and I are always turning on two wheels, it seems. But, for 100 days we are going to focus on our health. It's important that we are responsible and treat our bodies well, this temple of the Holy Spirit, that we have been entrusted with in this life.

I've enlisted the troops (my kids) to go through this 100 days with me and much to my joy and excitement, they were wholeheartedly on board. So, here we go! I am going to blog through these 100 days because I am certain that there will be good days and bad. I will share recipes, successes, failures, etc. It is important to me to be an example to my son, but also my daughter. I want to be the example that I am excited for her to follow. She will do what I do, so I will be intentional about being proud of those choices.

I have many passions, so I plan to explore those as well through my 100 days! Who knows what is in store? But, I am ready!

So, day 1 is down in the books with a run on the beautiful Green Way, and healthy eating. I would love to have people join me! I am diving into a new adventure with my beautiful kiddos. Some come on...you know you wanna! 

Just look at the gorgeous day we got to be out in and enjoy! I know everyday won't be sunny with the most beautiful clouds, but today was and it was spectacular! 

From wontoughmother to another! Be blessed and get moving!